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24h Total Volume $104.05B
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Waves Waves star

-1.71 (-10.29%)

Waves is a Blockchain token platform that allows the creation transfer and exchange of custom and fiat tokens and assets through the Blockchain without volatility.The Waves liteclient will feature a Portfolio, voting area to facilitate consensus on various projects and a messaging center.

Based on NXT's colored coin technology, Waves was built from scratch to provide new features . Waves plans to deliver a KYC and AML compliant platform with multiple Bank partnerships that will act as gateways for fiat deposits and withdrawals.

Waves has recently formed a partnership with Mycelium Wallet.

Descentralized token exchange: Waves platform will facilitate fundraising, crowdfunding, and trading of
financial instruments on the blockchain with reduced volatility.

Custom and fiat token creation, deletion and transfer.

Asset-to-asset exchange.

Lightweight clients: Waves will provide a easy to setup light client that can run on any computer.

Waves is the first production system being built on top of the Scorex framework

Extensible solution: In order to fix the need for a mandatory hard fork when creating a new type of transaction on the NXT Platform (forcing network client software updates) WAVES offers plug-ins that are not included in the core software module, but are instead installed as an extension on top of it.

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Market share 0.08%
Proof type LPoS
24h Open $16.59
24h Low $13.87
24h High $17.99
Price in BTC 0.00038983638331 BTC
Current Supply 105,196,296 WAVES
Total Supply 100,000,000 WAVES
Market cap $1,565,289,344
24h Volume (coin) 10,158,531 WAVES
24h Volume (currency) $151,155,904
24h Total volume (coin) 16,903,226 WAVES
24h Total volume (currency) $251.51M
Last updated 2021-05-25 16:53:07 +01:00 BST
ID Market Type Price Quantity Total
Date Price Volume

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