The ICST is an Ethereum-based content delivery platform used to store, share and protect digital creative content, protect artists, lower transaction costs and create an efficient ecosystem of revenue sharing. ICST is an ERC20 utility token that serves as the medium of exchange on the ICST platform.
Market share | 0.00% |
Proof type | — |
24h Open | $0.03 |
24h Low | $0.03 |
24h High | $0.04 |
Price in BTC | 0.00000093882053 BTC |
Current Supply | 0 ICST |
Total Supply | 2,147,483,648 ICST |
Market cap | $0 |
24h Volume (coin) | 0 ICST |
24h Volume (currency) | $0 |
24h Total volume (coin) | 0 ICST |
24h Total volume (currency) | $0.00000000 |
Last updated | 2021-05-25 16:53:43 +01:00 BST |
ID | Market | Type | Price | Quantity | Total |
Date | Price | Volume |
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