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CoolCoin CoolCoin star

0.00000000 ()
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JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.15PriceCOOL$
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.15JS chart by amCharts
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JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.15JS chart by amCharts
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.15JS chart by amCharts

CoolCoin (COOL) is a scrypt based altcoin that operates through Proof of Stake. The block time is 60 seconds and the total coin supply is 100 million COOL. The first year PoS rate is 30% which then drops to 10%.

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Best crypto trade exchanges: Bittrex | CEX | Coinbase | Gate.io | HTX | Poloniex | AEX | Binance | Changelly
BKEX | DEX-TRADE | Probit | Vindax | Bybit | KuCoin
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