ATB coin is a Proof of Stake cryptocurrency designed to solve some of the most pressing issues in the current crypto landscape, such as scalability, energency efficiency and more. ATB coin features some of the most recent technologies in the blockchain space such as the SegWit update and Lightning Network making it more efficient, flexible, and agile. ATB coin comes with an array of lightweight and user-friendly wallets—for desktop, iOS, Android, and web.
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Market share | 0.00% |
Proof type | PoW |
24h Open | $0.0053 |
24h Low | $0.0050 |
24h High | $0.0058 |
Price in BTC | 0.00000014391627 BTC |
Current Supply | 0 ATB |
Market cap | $0 |
24h Volume (coin) | 0 ATB |
24h Volume (currency) | $0 |
24h Total volume (coin) | 0 ATB |
24h Total volume (currency) | $0.00000000 |
Last updated | 2021-05-25 16:53:20 +01:00 BST |
ID | Market | Type | Price | Quantity | Total |
Date | Price | Volume |
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